


pH test Strips allow you the test your pH levels in the comfort of your own home and it’s never been easier. The pH test Strips are Super-sensitive giving a highly accurate reading of your body’s pH and only takes 15 seconds. So, very quickly you can identify any acid risks you may have and take action to restore your body’s natural to a healthy alkaline level.

pH test Strips are;

  • Easy to use
  • Testing of Urine and Saliva
  • Extremely accurate
  • Super-sensitive
  • Wide test range of 4.5 – 9.0 pH
  • Very Economical
  • Each bottle contains 100 Test Strips
  • Helps tracks your Alkaline Diet
  • Practitioner preferred
  • Testing can be done in the comfort of your own home

NOTE: Diagnostic pH Test Strips cannot be used to test the pH of water. To test the pH of water a pH Reagent is needed.
Scroll down for more detailed info……


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Importance of measuring the Body’s pH with pH test strips to measure health status

Is your body pH balanced? Find out by testing!
The more acid your body is, the less oxygen there is accordingly, so a healthy body should be around 7 pH to 9, though due to deteriorating conditions world wide, many are as low as 5 which is very acid and this equates to a lowered immune system, more likely to suffer from health issues.
This can be changed by progressively eating more alkaline foods and less processed foods, clean water, a glass of water with a little Sodium Bicarbonate, or as some suggest, water in a blender with a lemon, adding the rind and mixing in a little Bicarb.

Now you can easily test your pH using pH test Strips — easily, accurately, and within the comfort of your own home!

Your pH says a lot about the state of your health. It tells you how acidic or alkaline your tissues and fluids are — and that affects all aspects of your well-being.

How? All kinds of ways. If you are overly acidic, you may feel low energy… find it difficult to lose weight… experience poor digestion… suffer from aches and pains… and even fall victim to more serious disorders. In fact, since acidly is naturally corrosive and inflammatory, it irritates the organs it comes in contact with. That is why, too much acid can contribute to the demineralisation of your bones, teeth, and joints, and have a negative impact on your urinary and gastrointestinal tracts.

Plus, an acidic environment makes the perfect breeding ground for microforms, which can further compromise your health.

How to Perform a Urine pH Test

To perform a urine test with the AlkaWay test strips, The test strips use a pH-sensitive, colour-coded test strip to reveal your body pH balance status. Do NOT place test strips in your mouth.

To perform a urine test;

  • Start with the first urine in the morning before eating or drinking,
  • After a steady stream has started, wet the test strips 3 colour pads for 1-2 seconds,
  • Gently shake off any excess fluid on the test strip and wait 15 seconds,
  • Compare/match the colour of your test strip with the colour chart provided on the bottle label,
  • The number that corresponds to the colour-matched pads is the pH reading.

The lower your pH value below 7.0, the greater your degree of acid stress. Continue testing and recording your pH for a few weeks first thing in the morning, afternoon, and at bedtime (This will show your body pH trend).

How to Perform the Saliva pH Test

To perform this simple test, AlkaWay test strips, a plastic spoon, and some fresh saliva. The test strips use a pH-sensitive, colour-coded test strip to reveal your body pH balance status. For the saliva test.

DO NOT place tests strips in your mouth;

  • Be sure not to eat, drink, or brush your teeth for 30 minutes before the test,
  • Swallow a couple of times to clear the mouth and stimulate new saliva,
  • Then discharge some saliva into a plastic spoon,
  • Dip the test strip pad into the saliva in the spoon for 1-2 seconds,
  • It is recommended NOT to touch the pH test strip pads to your tongue due to the chemicals in pads,
  • Remove the test strip from the saliva in the spoon and wait for 15 seconds,
  • Compare/match the colour of your test strip with the colour chart provided on the bottle label,
  • The number that corresponds to the colour-matched pads is the pH reading.

The pH Scale Explained

The pH scale goes from 0-14, where 0 is very acidic (think battery acid) and 14 is very alkaline (think lye water).

In general, the pH of the human body should be slightly alkaline — about 7.4. A pH reading in the Optimal Zone tells you that your insides are happy, while a pH reading in the Danger Zone may mean you’re putting yourself at risk for serious disorders. Even a slight pH imbalance can make you feel tired, cause you to gain weight, give you trouble digesting food, and create aches and pains in your body.

Most parts of the body have a pH range they can tolerate. The skin can vary from 4.5 to 7.0, for example. Stomach acid ranges from 1.0 to 3.0. And pancreatic secretions go from 8.0 to 8.3. But the blood is not so flexible. It has a very narrow pH range: 7.365 to 7.45. If the pH of your blood goes outside that range even just a little, wham, the functioning of your organs is compromised. If the pH of your blood strays too far from that acceptable range for too long, your body will go into shock… then potential go into a coma… then maybe death.

That kind of severe metabolic acidosis is rare; however, mild acidosis is now thought to be strikingly common — affecting at least half of the population.

One point makes a world of difference

pH doesn’t work like regular numbers do, where 6.0 is “one point less” than 7.0. It works logarithmically, just like the Richter scale for earthquakes.

That means for each point you drop away from the ideal of 7.0, you’re actually experiencing a 10-fold decrease in your pH! For example, someone with a pH of 6.0 is ten times more acidic than someone with a pH of 7.0. Someone with a pH of 5.0 is 100 times more acidic than someone with a pH of 7.0

Fortunately, AlkaWay Diagnostic pH Test Strips provide an easy, accurate, and affordable way to find out exactly where you stand.

Your urine and saliva hold the key to your health

How do you measure what’s going on inside of your body? By analyzing what it’s secreting: urine and saliva.

Thanks to the kidneys, the body is constantly trying to get rid of excess acids through the urine, which can range in pH anywhere from 4.5 to 8.5. The pH of your urine is a good reflection of the pH of your internal environment. If your urine tests high in acids (below 6.75), then you know your body is high in acids too (Not good!). If your urine tests low in acids (above 6.75), then your stores of alkaline minerals are doing a good job of buffering the acids in your body (Awesome!).

Another way to find out the overall pH balance (or imbalance) of your body is to test the pH of your saliva. Saliva pH can range anywhere from 5.5 to 7.5 or more.  If you have enough alkaline minerals, your saliva test should register a nice 7.0 to 7.5. But if your mineral reserves are too low, the acids will overwhelm your system, and you’ll test under 7.0.

Some people even test as low as 4.5 – 5.75, which is not where you want your pH to be. In fact, if your pH tests that low, we recommend you take immediate action to correct this acidity. Remember, because the pH scale works like the Richter scale – i.e. logarithmically – a pH of 5.0 is 100 times too acidic!

Regular litmus paper

Litmus paper (you know, the kind that comes in a roll) won’t give you a truly accurate pH reading because it bleeds when it gets wet, which makes it quite a challenge to determine the colour. Better alternatives exist, but they’re not separated into small 0.25 unit increments, which leave you guessing as to what your actual pH reading is.

This is what Dr Ted Baroody, author of Alkalize or Die has to say about Diagnostic pH Test Strips: “I get hundreds of calls for pH testing materials. pH testing is very complex. There are individual pH testing substances for everything, but they are very expensive. This particular strip is reasonably priced too. I have looked a long time and through many companies to find these quality pH test strips. My experience with litmus pH paper strips has not been good. I do not recommend them.”

AlkaWay pH Test Strips are unlike most pH papers or other pH test strips available

1. They are made and calibrated specifically to test urine or saliva.

2. Because the reagent (the stuff that changes colour) is affixed to a plastic strip, there’s no paper, no bleeding, and no mess. In fact, AlkaWay Diagnostic pH Test Strips are the only pH test strips on the market that can pass through a urine stream without having the reagent bleed, making them exceptionally easy to read.

3. They have a single pad indicator that uses one square combining two different pH reagents. The first reagent is more sensitive to higher pH ranges (6.75 – 9.0) and the second reagent is more sensitive to lower pH ranges (4.5 – 7.25). This combination gives you an ideal reading of your pH level.

Test your body regularly to make sure you’re living the Alkaline Life

Notes: This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. Please consult a physician or medical practitioner before taking any dietary supplement, especially if pregnant or nursing.

Acid Alkaline pH Scale
Saliva pH indicates the activity of your digestive enzymes. Enzymes operate within a narrow range outside of this they become sluggish or inactive.

  • Test saliva 2 hours before or after eating.
  • Draw saliva up from under the tongue, swallow and repeat.
  • Wet litmus paper and compare color with numerical value.
  • Optimum saliva pH is between 6.8 and 7.4

Urine pH is directly related to both tissue oxygen levels and soft tissue levels of calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium. These minerals are the basic currency of exchange for literally every cell in your body. Acid urine shows the body eliminating acid residues.

  • Collect urine sample.
  • Wet litmus paper and compare colour with numerical value.
  • A pH below 6.0 indicates an extreme state of acidity.
  • A normal urine pH of a person in good health is first morning between 6.4 and 7.0, then 7.0-7.4 throughout the rest of the day.

Remember, each increase of 0.1 in urine pH means a 10 fold increase in tissue oxygen. So if you start with a pH of 5.5 for example, and shift to 7.0, it would indicate a 150 fold increase in tissue oxygen.


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